Lone Jack Farm LLC
36401 E. Faulkenberry Rd. Lone Jack Missouri 64070
Sheep farm with organically grown pears, apples, cherries, peaches, dates, and berries. We raise purebred commercial and registered Katahdin lambs for registered breeding, sheep farmers, and meat. We also have organic apple trees, pear trees, and a few grape vines. We sell all our fruit or you can order homemade preserves, jams, or jellies.
Local farmers have long known the benefit honey bees have in contributing to a bountiful harvest, but the honey created by the bees is a special reward all on its own! Honey is often used as a natural sweetener in food and beverages. Because of the antibacterial and antioxidant properties in honey, it has been used to treat wounds and included in a variety of natural healing remedies. Some believe that regular use of local honey can improve their tolerance to local pollen and airborne allergens, easing the response their bodies have in high allergy seasons like spring and fall. Our local honey is rated as Grade A Fancy. We personally love it and are pleased to share it with you.
Lone Jack Farm LLC